Chemistry Impact
FC 24 Chemistry plays a crucial role in the performance of your players. It represents how well a player will perform in-game. The higher the chemistry, the better he will play.
Each player can have from zero to three Chemistry Points, identified by blue diamonds filled up on his item. The attributes impacted by the active chemistry style will receive a small, medium, or full boost depending on how many points a player has. If a player has no chemistry points, he will play according to the stats of his item, and these won’t be negatively impacted.
[안맞춰도 스탯 하락 영향은 없는 듯]
FC 24 Chemistry measures several factors that are considered important enough to affect the performance of a player:
- Positioning - 포지션
- Relation with the other Players - 선수 관계
- Relation with the Manager - 감독 관계
01 Positioning
Positioning is a mandatory requirement for chemistry. Only a player who is playing in his preferred poitions can enable it. If it is not the case, his chemistry will be zero, and he won’t be taken into consideration for the teammate’s chemistry.
[포지션 일치는 필수]
In Ultimate Team, a player can have up to three preferred positions where he can play without impacting chemistry. All you need to do is to check if the active position is the one where he is playing.
[한 선수당 선호 포지션 3개까지 가지고 있을 수 있다]

02 Relation with the other Players
If a player in your starting XI is playing in his preferred position, he will be able to earn up to three chemistry points, depending on how many players in your Starting XI the same country, league and club:
[나라, 리그, 클럽이 같은 선수의 숫자에 따라 케미 포인트가 부여됨]
- +1 when 2 players are from the same club or country;
- +1 when 3 players are from the same league;
- +2 when 4 players are from the same club;
- +2 when 5 players are from the same country or league;
- +3 when 7 players are from the same club;
- +3 when 8 players are from the same country or league.
In FC 24, positional links have been removed. Your players now impact the chemistry of other players in the Starting XI, regardless of their position on the pitch.
Women’s footballers also connect with men’s footballers who have the same nationality and/or play for their affiliated club.
[남 여 클럽 끼리도 연결됨]
An Icon and a Hero will always have three chemistry points when playing in their preferred positions, regardless of the rest of the squad. Icons will also count as two increments towards their country chemistry threshold and one increment to every league, while Heroes count just one for the nation but two for the league.
03 Relation with the Manager
Each player with the same nationality or league as the active manager receives one extra chemistry point. This manager bonus is limited to one point, even if a player is from the same country AND league as the manager. When needed, you can match the manager and player’s league using a league modifier card

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