선수 특성 CPU AI라 표기된 특성은 CPU AI에 의해 제어될 때 적용되는 특성이다. 플레이어 조작 시에는 적용되지 않는다. 매치에 불필요한 특성은 명시하지 않았다.
- Standard traits have an affect on how a player plays, both when played by a user and when controlled by the CPU AI.
- CPU AI traits impact the way that a player plays but only when it is controlled by the CPU AI.
Traits (특성) Types
Finesse Shot
Finesse Shot(감차) 조작을 입력할 때 최대 커브를 갖게 된다. 공이 바닥에 있을 때에만 적용된다. 발리슛에는 적용되지 않는다는 이야기 이다. 슛 괘적은 변화하지만, 정확도에 영향을 주지 않는다.
(원문) player with the Finesse Shot trait will have the full amount of curl when performing a finesse shot in a match, when the ball is on the ground. This trait change how the ball will get to the target, but it does not change the target itself and its accuracy.
Outside Foot Shot
아웃사이드 슛 가능해진다.
(원문) This traits will allow a player to perform outside foot shots.
Power Header
1. 헤딩 파워 증가
2. 코너킥 시, 타겟 선수로 지정될 확률이 높아진다. (이게 크로스 상황을 제외한 코너킥에 국한된 이야기 인지는 모르겠음)
3. 코너킥 시, 선수호출하면 받으러 오는 선수로 선택될 확률이 적어진다.
(원문) Power Header trait will give more powerful headers to a player. They’re also more likely to be chosen to fill a target position in the opposition penalty area during an attacking corner kick, and they’re less likely to be chosen as the support Player for a short corner kick when the kicker asks for support.
Long Throw-In
1. 스로잉 거리가 일반 선수들보다 길어짐
2. 빠른 드로잉 기회(화면이 전환되지 않고 바로 던지는 것)가 지나갔을 경우, 이 특성을 지닌 선수가 선택될 확률이 높아진다.
(원문) When a player with the Long Throw-In trait performs a throw-in, they’ll have a longer maximum throw distance than a Player without the trait. If the opportunity for a quick throw-in has passed, Players with this trait will usually be considered the optimal selection for taking a throw-in, which can boost the chance for a scoring opportunity.
Giant Throw-In
1. 스로잉 거리가 "Long Throw-in" 선수 보다도 길어짐
2. 빠른 드로잉 기회(화면이 전환되지 않고 바로 던지는 것)가 지나갔을 경우, 이 특성을 지닌 선수가 선택될 확률이 높아진다.
(원문) When a player with the Giant Throw-In trait performs a throw-in, they will have a longer maximum throw distance than both Players without the trait and Players with the Long Throw-In trait. If the opportunity for a quick throw-in has passed, Players with this trait will be more likely to be considered the optimal selection for taking a throw-in where executing a long throw could boost the chance for a scoring opportunity.
Takes Powerful Driven Free Kicks
더 멀리서 달려와서 찬다. 프리킥 파워가 더 쎄진다.
(원문) A Player with this trait will start their free kick run-up from further back, producing a more powerful free kick.
1. 아웃사이드 슛의 어려움이 줄어든다. [더 잘나간다는 이야기 인것으로 보여진다.]
2. 땅볼 패스를 할때 최대 커브가 적용된다.
3. 커브로 경로는 변경되지만 타겟은 변경되지 않는다.
[이미 Outside Foot Shot특성을 보유한 선수의 Outside Foot기능이 강화되는 것으로 보여진다.]
(원문) A Player with this trait will have reduced difficulty in executing an accurate outside of the foot shot. They will also have the full amount of curl when passing the ball on the ground. This can change the path for how the ball will get to the target, but it does not change the target itself.
Fancy Passes
Flair 패스 시, 오류를 줄여준다.
Flair 커맨드와 패스버튼을 누르면 나가는데 백힐 같은 기교섞이 동작으로 나간다.
(원문) A Player with this trait will be less likely to make errors when attempting flair passes.
1. Flair 동작 시, 오류를 줄여준다.
2. Flair 커맨드를 입력하지 않아도 Flair 패스나 슛이 나가기도 한다.
3. 로브 패스 시에 수비수가 있으면, 짧은 거리의 로브 패스를 위해서 더 높은 로브를 사용한다.
[짧은 로브 패스 시, 수비수를 잘 넘겨서 준다는 이야기]
(원문) A player with this trait will be less likely to make errors when attempting flair moves. They will sometimes execute a flair pass or flair shot without having used the flair modifier controls, and they will use a higher lob for their short lob passes if there are players in the way.
Injury Prone
부상 확률 증가
(원문) A Player with this trait has an increased chance of getting injured when a collision occurs.
Solid Player
부상 확률 감소
(원문) A Player with this trait has a reduced chance of getting injured when a collision occurs.
Rushes Out Of Goal
(원문) A goalkeeper with this trait will be more aggressive when coming out of the box to gather over the top or long through balls.
(원문) A goalkeeper with this trait will only try to intercept a cross when they think they can get to the ball well before their opponent.
→ 홈페이지 내, 같은 특성에 2가지 다른 설명으로 올라와 있다. 오류가 있는듯 하다.
GK Comes For Crosses
크로스를 상대 공격수보다 앞서서 가로채려고 시도하는 성향
(원문) A goalkeeper with this trait will try to intercept a cross even if they think they will get to the ball barely before their opponent.
GK Save With Foot
발로 막으려는 성향. 특성을 지니지 않는 골키퍼보다 근접 슛을 막을 수 있는 확률이 약간 증가
(원문) A goalkeeper with this trait will frequently choose to save the ball with his feet, allowing them to save a slightly higher frequency of close-range shots than a goalkeeper with the same attributes that did not have the GK Save With Foot Trait.
GK Long Thrower
멀리 던지기
(원문) A goalkeeper with this trait will have the ability to target players further away with thrown passes.
Bicycle Kicks
1. 더 많은 상황에서 Bicycle Kick을 사용
2. 더 다양한 애니메이션 수행
(원문) Acquiring this trait in Player Career will allow the Pro to perform bicycle kicks in certain situations, but you will not be able to force bicycle kicks. A Player with this trait will perform a greater amount of bicycle kicks contextually, and the player can perform a wider variety of bicycle kick animations.
Set Play Specialist
프리킥과 코너킥 시 왼쪽 스틱이 중앙으로 조정되지 않고, 옴겨진 위치에 고정되어 있음
[Pro에만 해당하는 이야기인지 명확치 않음, Standard로 표기되어 있음]
(원문) A Virtual Pro with this trait will no longer have the aiming reticule recenter when the left stick is released during free kicks and corner kicks.
교체나 레드카드 등의 이유로 경기장에 지정된 주장이 없을 때, 주장 선정을 하는데 사용된다.
(원문) Used, along with One Club Player and Team Player, as part of the decision-making process in choosing a captain for a team if the designated captain is not in the lineup or is removed mid-game via a substitution or red card.
One Club Player
교체나 레드카드 등의 이유로 경기장에 지정된 주장이 없을 때, 주장 선정을 하는데 사용된다.
(원문) Used as part of the decision-making process for choosing a captain if a team’s designated captain is not in the lineup or is removed mid-game via substitution or red card, along with Team Player and Leadership. Players with this trait are known to be loyal to their current club, which will drive storylines in Career Mode.
Team Player
교체나 레드카드 등의 이유로 경기장에 지정된 주장이 없을 때, 주장 선정을 하는데 사용된다.
(원문) Used as part of the decision-making process for choosing a captain if a team’s designated captain is not in the lineup or is removed mid-game via substitution or red card, along with One Club Player and Leadership.
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